RedBox Events - Wi-Fi Solutions
RedBox has a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies at its disposal to make sure your internet service is reliable and robust. RedBox Wi-Fi will deliver the internet around the site in a controlled manner as part of our managed service. You will be able to prioritise which areas take precedence, so bars, gates and so on, run seamlessly; the press office is happy; the organisers can get their job done; and all exhibitors and traders can sell their products. We deliver quality connectivity for all your transactional and operational needs.
Wi-Fi services
Connecting your event
Getting the internet to your greenfield site or venue can be a huge challenge. RedBox Wi-Fi will project manage the whole process for you, implementing the best and most cost-effective solutions to meet your needs.
Connecting your site
Delivering internet connectivity to your site is just the beginning. We use latest interreference mitigation technologies to send very high-speed reliable internet around your site without worry of other technologies disrupting your key areas.
Planning your network
RedBox will meticulously plan every detail as far in advance as possible but with our years of experience we also expect those last-minute curve balls we all know and love in our industry.
Connecting your devices
Using enterprise grade Wi-Fi technology means you can connect any Wi-Fi device as easily as you do at home but with all the security and peace of mind you would expect with the scale of thousands of devices.
Flexible and comprehensive
RedBox are experienced in using and combining everything from fibre leased lines to 4/5G solutions. Other options such as satellite and microwave technologies allow internet connectivity to be “beamed” to the site from space, a nearby tower or Wireless Internet Service Provider where available.